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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why travel now?

I've been traveling around ever since I was a kid, but mostly with family, until my school trip in 10th grade to Malaysia followed by my first solo travel following summer of 11th grade to Berlin, visiting my friend. Since then to date, I've been traveling around solo, with groups, work, and family learning about the world and how the media and other travelers' experiences does not necessarily reflect the truth 100%. After getting my filmmaking tools in hand and gaining more confidence in my skills, I decided that now is the right time to take this big step, as I want to very much document my experiences traveling around - for my own documentation, as well as get a chance to share it with the world - to show that the media and other's experiences could sometimes be a mis conception. Learn More.


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2. Why are you traveling around the world?

I'm a doer and action oriented person, therefore I don't like to sit behind screens, watch destinations, and dream of one day, after retirement, to go and visit when I'm not in my best health. Nor I'm the type of person who would experience the world through the eyes of media and propaganda, stay in bed and believe that the world is a bad place and I'm only safe under my blanket! I want to experience everything first hand, face my fears, challenge myself, grow through the situations I come across, and do all that while I'm young and in my best health and shape! Learn More.


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3. How long do you plan to travel the world?

At the current moment the proposed travel journey is 1 year or so, but if I manage to save up more money during my travels then I would love to keep moving, if not, won't be a big issue, as I would take a break from traveling and save more money and keep moving and exploring.


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4. How many countries do you plan to visit?

Undecided, but the ultimate goal for the long run is to visit every country, explore every nation, and step foot on every continent - and maybe one day explore the outer space!


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5. Are you a solo traveller?

I don't consider myself as a solo traveller, yet for most of my journey I will be traveling solo, but will make sure to plan and meet people whether locals or other travelers. Solo traveling is more comfortable and easy - that's true, being free and not committing to anyone, but sharing your travels with other travelers and/or locals adds a lot to the experience. A destination is only fun and memorable with who you share the company with. The worst place on earth could be more fun and enjoyable than the best place on earth with the right company.


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6. What is your current occupation?

I worked for 3 years and half after college and then decided to quit my job, cash out, and pursue my goals. Currently I'm unemployed, but I consider myself as self-employed. No more the typical 8-5 working hours, until I start my own company/business


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7. How can you afford your expenses?

I believe that I have saved enough money to allow me to manage and travel around the world non-stop for the first year of my journey. I have not borrowed, gotten any sponsorship, or investors to help me with expenses. I didn't have to sell everything I own to make this journey possible - thankfully. I just was lucky and smart enough to save money over a short period of time (which originally was planned to start my company/business). Furthermore I don't plan to waste my expenses on luxury travel, but wouldn't say no for an adventure worthy of it's price, as I'm an adventure junky!


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8. How can I keep track of your journey?

The best way to keep track is through my social media specially instagram as it would have a mix of everything and consists of the majority of the updates. However snapchat , twitter, and facebook would also have important updates as the later two are directly connected to instagram. You can also track my journey through my weekly youtube videos that will highlight the best of my week as a fun enjoyable short content.


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9. What is the best social media platform to follow you on?

You get to decide, although full support is much appreciated, but in the end it varies on your preference - whether you like videos, written posts, pictures, day to day stalking, a mix of everything.. it just depends, but here is a breakdown of what you should expect in each platform:


Instagram: the main hub that will contain all types of contents, cool photos, videos and youtube teasers, some info regarding my travels - some educational and some entertaining - and the stories would be more fun day to day action that occur during my trips.


Twitter: thoughts and opinions about anything in life and travel that might pop in my head. Would be a quick mean of communication with the audience through questions & opinions.


Snapchat: since it’s more of internet connect demanding type of app it will be used when available to post information and educational subjects regarding travel tips, the places I’m in and visiting, my experience.. ect. And it will have fun moments too to ease of the load from instagram.


Youtube: This is the main big one! It will most likely have weekly videos that summarizes the main highlights of my week and as much as I can it will be on track with my travels so that you guys would be following my journey as I go. Go ahead and start subscribing now.


Facebook: this will have mainly check ins & out, pictures that did not make the cut to instagram and blogs talking about my views on issues, experience, and other travel related stuff. It is not the official blog but it’s a place to share my opinions on matters that I face during my travels.


LinkedIn: well I have one so I figured I’d put it out there.. LinkedIn is mainly a business platform to connect with other people who I might work with in the future or interested in working with me. I won’t be much active on it as I will keep it about filmmaking more.


Website: here you will find information about my journey and plan, track my journey through the “map” page, and regular blog posts about my time in each country. It will not be a detailed diary, just summarizing my experience and interesting points & tips that could be interesting & helpful for other travels if they intend to visit that country. It's also the main platform that will have easy access and updates to all the above social media content.


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10. Who is your target audience?

I would generally categories my audience to be between the ages 16-45 only because I would not encourage anyone below the age of 16 to get influenced by my lifestyle while they are in a critical stage of their life (school, teenage stage, future aspiration.. ect) in which might jeopardizes the way they think and perceive life, unless they are supervised by an adult and/or have approval. I've reached this point of life not because I have flunk school, or have't finished my higher education, or sold all my life to risk traveling as a low budget backpacker life, where I would spend the rest of my life hitchhiking and asking for free accommodation in return for good reviews or other services. I've graduated top of my class in school and college, gotten the best job and then went on to follow my goals. I had my ups and downs, tried living the way society wants us to live and the way I want to live, to only learn from my mistakes and improve, which eventually got me to where I am now. Even though low budget backpacking is not something I'm against or don't recommend, but wouldn't encourage imposing these ideas and thoughts to teenagers and youth, giving them hope that without education and stable economy they can live a rich life.


The second part of the answer is that my age range target audience stops at 45 or around that age, is because I'm mainly will be traveling for adventure and not high class spa retreat type of travel. I'd assume a lot of senior travelers, especially couples, would be interested in looking for good accommodation, family getaways, good quality cuisines, and so on. Unfortunately I will couch surf, stay at friend's places that I will meet or already know of, and stay at the best affordable and cheapest accommodations which most likely be hostels; and in some occasions camp with my sleeping bag at beaches or on hikes. However that does not mean I wouldn't invest in some money to enjoy a night at a weird, interesting, once in a life time sort of accommodation for the experience. 


Adventure and rough travel will play a big part in my journey, so unless you're interested in enjoying keeping up with my adventures and not particularly looking to plan your next relaxing romantic trip, then you can be as old as the hills to be one of my audiences. And as long as you have your parent's consent to watch my content then you could be as young as dawn to be one of my audiences.


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11. How often do you blog and post on social media?

As long as I have access to the internet then I would be posting regularly throughout my journey, that being everyday on the social media platforms such as - instagram, snapchat, twitter. As far as blogging on my website or facebook then that would be a few times a week, as writing blogs would take time. For youtube, I would work hard to focus on posting once a week!


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12. What will your blog posts consist of?

My blogs would mostly be briefs about my time in each country, probably point out unique experiences, important information, or just write a journal. I will however keep a side diary of my journey that I might one day publish as a book. I don't want my blogs to be very detailed and lengthy - I tend to write a lot and dive in details, and I want to minimize that. I think being busy with traveling with help me with that too.


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13. Are you a travel influencer?

At the moment I'm not, but I do want to be one, not just because that's the norm now or to make money out of it, but because I want to encourage people to travel the world - whether they have the money or not (budget traveling is always a great option). Mainly I want to get people out of their homes, brush off what the media has brainwashed them with, and not fear to travel to the weirdest or most dangerous places rumored about. Challenge yourself because the planet has many beautiful, interesting, and fascinating places; sweet, loving, and peaceful people.


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14. Do you do paid adverts?

As long as the product/service aligns with my concept, mission, and goal then I'm open for collaboration. I use a lot of products/services that help with my travels and filmmaking, however I don't think I would do reviews, just promotions while using the product/service, because I believe that every product/service has it's pros and cons, I just like to focus on the pros that would help me reach my goal and accommodate myself with the cons. That, especially if it's a low paid service or cheap product, as a-posed to something I'd pay a lot for and expect a lot from! Therefore doing a paid review would never allow a chance to tell the full picture.


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